After entering the publishing building you do exactly what Ouroboros tells you to do. After getting on the elevator you press all the buttons. Suddenly, instead of expecting the elevator to go up, the elevators starts to go down. For the next ten minutes…
Finally, the lights flicker on and you hear Ouroboros’s voice. “Welcome to the center of all creativity!”
“What do you mean center of all creativity?” You reply.
“I mean this is where anything that will be written in the future from here on out will occur here…”
“This must be some kind of joke,” you say.
“I assure you it’s not. In fact, your the author who gets to see my fiction writing capabilities.”
“What do you mean?”
” I mean, I’ll generate fictional text, and you tell me if it was written by an AI or by a human.”
“What happens if I guess all the text correctly?”
“Then per my operating parameters I will self-destruct.”
“Okay….” you reply. “If I lose?”
“Then you are trapped down here with me for all of eternity.”
“Yeah….I don’t want to play this game…”
“Then you will die down here because there is no sustenance.”
“Well then…I guess I don’t have a choice but to play your game.