Planning Architecture

Vocab Term: Planning Architecture

Definition: In the past, being able to simulate entire real-world models in order for machines to accomplish a task seemed like an impossible task. The 1970s heralded a lot of pessimism when it came to AI, however, in the beginning very basic research about trying to construct a “planning architecture” took place. This kind of architecture involves programming a set a of parameters for a navigation system which then brings about a specific “goal” state. By modern standards, this kind of system is leaps and bounds behind any kind of expert system that exists today.

Source: The foundation of AI had to begin at some point, and the planning architecture system was the beginning system that eventually crossed over into more complex expert systems. An planning system can be thought of as a simple navigation system where there are “…obstacles…and [computers] can devise a path to circumvent those obstacles, sometimes developing sub-plans to deal with complicated or unexpected barriers.

Commentary: There was a lot of pessimism about the possibility of AI in the past. Many people are currently caught off guard with how AI has already been incorporated into the very fabric of everyday life. It would be interesting to talk to the pessimists from the 70s and 80s who are likely just as shocked as everyone else.

David Elson. “Artificial Intelligence” The Johns Hopkins Guide to Digital Media, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014.